Monday, January 28, 2013

Tips from a Curvy Girl

With a positive or healthy body image you feel comfortable and confident in your body, have a generally true perception of your size and shape, and understand that physical appearance does not define your character and value. 

You accept your unique body and don’t spend an much time worrying about food, weight or calories.Before you go and start on your health journey, I would hope you would think about why you want to lose weight.Is it for you? or for others?

Make sure this is something you do for yourself. My first tip is Look in the mirror make an honest assessment of your body, embrace your shape and who you are. Don't hate your body you have to have a positive body image. Body image is how we feel about our bodies. For many people today it is a big issue that affects how they think and feel about themselves as a person.
Just remember that you’re okay just as you are. You are a unique person, capable and lovable, with special talents and strengths, with inner wisdom and creativity – a human being of value. So accept and respect yourself now.

Get comfortable with the real you, inside and out.Accept your size and shape, your feelings, yourself, unconditionally. Honor your character, talents and achievements.

That's when you will truly see results in your health and weight loss. When you accept yourself for who you are.
Ditch the scale, work towards total health. Numbers that really matter: blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol etc. EVERY BODY IS DIFFERENT!

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