Sunday, February 22, 2015

Easy Watercress Salad

This is a a very easy watercress salad to make and it has great health benefits. If you have never eaten watercress it has a bit of a pepper taste and looks like a mini tree in your bowl.

All you will need for this recipe will be

Extra virgin olive oil
Pink Himalayan Salt

Take your watercress a small bushel should be enough for one person if you will be severing more this of course will change.  Give them a quick rinse and place in your bowl, at this time also rinse of your radishes and cut off the ends and cut them thinly be sure to be careful when cutting and add to your salad bowl.

Salt to taste and and a small amount of olive oil, remember this will change depending how many will be served but always follow the rule of thumb less is best and their you are all done and ready to enjoy your watercress salad.

Eating watercress daily has the ability to significantly reduce DNA damage to blood cells and further to resist DNA damage caused by free radicals, according to a two-year research project at the University of Ulster.

Watercress is very low in calories, but contains phytonutrients like isothiocyanates and antioxidants with a plethora of disease-preventive properties. Gluconasturtiin, a glucosinolate compound providing the peppery flavor, is one of them, contained in the leaves and stems and providing phenethyl isothiocyanates, shown to inhibit carcinogens.

Manganese is a cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase, and calcium for strong bones and teeth come in high doses when you eat watercress.

Radishes are part of the Brassicaceae family Radishes also have both anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Some of the most important nutrients and minerals found in radishes include potassium, vitamin C, folate, fiber, manganese, copper, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B6, riboflavin and sodium.

Pink Himalayan Salt
A natural and ridiculously pure mineral substance it is gathered from the Himalayan Mountains has been used for thousands and thousands of years. Himalayan salt is made of the same components as table salt but since the crystal structure is larger than refined salt, and by volume- this salt therefore has LESS sodium per 1/4 t. serving- because the sea salt crystals or flakes take up less room on a teaspoon than highly refined tiny table salt grains.

Packs a hearty 80+ minerals and elements- Himalayan salts are mineral packed crystals which formed naturally within the earth made up of 85.62% sodium chloride and 14.38% other trace minerals including: sulphate, magnesium, calcium, potassium, bicarbonate, bromide, borate, strontium, and fluoride (in descending order of quantity).

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